Monday, March 21, 2011

In Process: An Installation

Whew! An exhausting, amazing weekend. I was fortunate to have many good friends and family at the performances this weekend, and was so proud of the fantastic cast of REcollection. I hope to continue reflecting on the concert and the process over the next couple of weeks as I write about it for my thesis defense.
For now, I wanted to share a few photos from the installation that accompanied the concert. It was pretty dark back there, behind the seats of the theater, so some of the photos are rather..."atmospheric." There were four main components to the installation: part that was set up to suggest a darkroom, with lines and lines of rehearsal photos hanging, red lights, and developing trays; a projected video of rehearsal footage; a display of baggies holding the traces I collected from the dancers throughout the year, each labeled with the date of the rehearsal; and a table where the audience could trace their own hands and write messages. Over about 3 weeks, I worked with the Department's tech director Mitch and the graduate tech assistant Brianna (also in my cast) to clear out the area behind the seats--easily 15 years of old props, forgotten items, and dust. The installation turned out just about exactly as I'd envisioned it would, and I was so pleased to have it be a part of the project. One of the best parts was sharing it with the dancers, who had a great time watching the rehearsal footage and perusing the photos. I'll be sharing the video of rehearsal footage soon.

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