Thursday, September 9, 2010

What's going on here?

So, I'm making an MFA thesis dance concert, the culminating event in the 3 year MFA program I've been involved in for the last 2 years and 3 weeks.
And I've been feeling the urge to share something of this process with others as well as to have a venue for reflecting on my work beyond my private journal.
This concert--these dances--have a history, are creating a history, that I want to acknowledge and share with more than just the cast of the concert.
Therefore--a blog! What else?

What it's not:
I don't anticipate a blog that exposes all the behind-the-scenes elements of the concert, ala JCT (one of my colleagues from last year:, but more of an extended program insert, I suppose. None of this information will be necessary for understanding the concert itself--it's not an "insider's guide" or a Cliffs Notes for the performance. It's not an glimpse of what the "real" meaning of the concert is, although it will surely reveal the ways I am thinking about it.

What it is or might be:
A conversation starter, an open journal, background information, a photo album, a "book" of poetry, a collection of notes on creative process.

Stay tuned for some thoughts on how I'm starting out this process and what I'm thinking about these days.
And welcome.

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